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Sector Berryfruit Hero Image


Our research helps define what makes a berry superfood super.

Many berryfruit are considered superfoods. Our science enhances the understanding of what exactly makes them so good and how they can be grown and consumed to maximise the health benefits.

We want consumers to be able to enjoy berries whenever and however they want. Our work with berry growers and food companies means we’re delivering the goodness in berries in ways that suit everyone’s lifestyles. 

We breed new cultivars that are high in compounds known to be good for health without compromising the taste and flavour that appeal to berry lovers. We’re helping growers reduce their impact on their environment by finding the best ways to control pests and diseases with minimal chemical input.

Sector Blackcurrant


Good in jams, smoothies or on your breakfast cereal, blackcurrants are intense bursts of flavour and healthy compounds. We’ve been studying the benefits that blackcurrants can deliver for human health for more than 10 years. Our science has established New Zealand blackcurrants’ ability to enhance sports performance. With blackcurrant growers in New Zealand, we’re working to amplify the special properties of blackcurrants and create blackcurrant-based products that suit the lifestyle of modern consumers. 

Sector Blueberry


Blueberries are joyful delights either eaten by the handful or added to food that needs a burst of sweetness. We want to help consumers around the world have access to high quality blueberries whenever they want. With our partners, we’re working to breed larger, tastier blueberries that consumers can buy all year round. Our work also involves making blueberries more resistant to diseases and providing better yields for growers, as well as enhancing the health benefits of the fruit.

Sector Raspberry


Who doesn’t enjoy the popping sensation of raspberries? Not only are they wonderful to look at, they are also high in antioxidants and fibre. Our cultivars are bred to meet the demand for sustainable, profitable, locally-grown products. They boast improved qualities that are desirable to global consumers, with improved health benefits and taste, as well as ideal for machine harvesting and processing