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Dr Susan Marshall

Seafood Technologies

Dr Susan Marshall

Science Group Leader- Seafood Processing & Marine Products

I lead the Seafood Processing & Marine Products Group at Plant & Food Research. The group is made up of four teams, specialising in: 1. The delivery of safe seafood through the understanding of microorganisms in NZ fish and the new technologies needed to control them; 2. The extraction and chemical/enzymatic manipulation of marine polymers to change their functional properties; 3. Industrial biotechnology: using characterisation of the molecules from marine species to develop low environmental impact industrial processes for their extraction and manipulation; and 4. Marine cell technologies focusing on cellular agriculture. My personal area of specialty is industrial biochemistry. My work covers fundamental work on the extraction and characterisation of marine molecules, through to transfer of research into green industrial processing applications with significant emphasis on the use of enzymes. I work closely with the NZ seafood and secondary processing industries to facilitate product and process development at large-scale. I am the programme leader for the MBIE Endeavour programme Cyber-Marine.