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International Business

Dr Cynthia Lund

VP Business Development

As the VP Business Development in North America, I see my role as a liaison or connector. I am passionate about helping people - whether it is taking Plant & Food Research science to solve customer problems or bringing market trends and information back to our scientists. With the information or connections I provide, our research teams can use their creative science to elucidate new products and ideas that might assist our customers in maintaining or becoming market leaders. I acquired my BSc and MSc in Food Science and Technology from Oregon State University (USA) and Kansas University (USA), respectively. My PhD was conducted at University of Auckland in the Wine Science department. My career began in research and development in the food, as well as in biotechnology industries. Next, I decided to expand into a business role - starting in marketing then in sales and business development. This strategic career shift enables me understand the science perspective and connect it with global business solutions. I have worked for international companies and universities in The Netherlands, USA, New Zealand, Chile and Canada.