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Supply chain optimisation

Supply chain optimisation

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Supply chain optimisation

We’re finding new ways to get fresh produce to the consumer in the perfect condition.

We are passionate about every part of the food production process, and understand the tremendous time, energy and resources it takes to produce high quality food. Around one third of food produced each year is lost during the production and supply chain or wasted by retailers and consumers. We believe our science can reduce that loss by making sure food remains in the best condition until it reaches the people that want to eat it.

We work with food producers and exporters to optimise postharvest and supply chain management so that every fruit is delivered to retailers and consumers in the best state possible. We’re helping growers understand the best time to harvest, creating new technologies so processors can grade and sort produce efficiently, and finding the best ways to store food as it moves from its point of origin to the supermarket, no matter the distance between. We also look for new ways to use processing byproducts and waste streams to ensure use of 100% of the harvest.

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