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Dr Grant Smith

Principal Scientist & Science Team Leader, Pathogen Biosecure Environments

I am a plant pathologist and have worked in plant biosecurity, initially as a research plant pathologist in the Australia sugarcane industry, since 1987. I led the development of the first RT-PCR diagnostic for a dsRNA plant virus and subsequent research to develop and implement molecular diagnostics and new control technologies for a wide range of viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens and their insect vectors, and other pests of sugarcane. Returning to Aotearoa New Zealand in 2003, I was the inaugural Program Manager of the large multi-organisation Better Border Biosecurity (B3) research programme in Aotearoa New Zealand and subsequently from 2012 to 2018 I led the Effective Detection and Response Program in the Co-operative Research Centre for Plant Biosecurity based in Canberra, Australia. Since 2015, I have been an invited Instructor at the annual Plant Biosecurity in Theory & Practise Course at the Biosecurity Research Institute in the USA. Since 2017, my research focus has been on leading and contributing to research in response to the incursion of the myrtle rust pathogen, Austropuccinia psidii, into Aotearoa, including understanding pathogen resistance in taonga myrtaceae species, contributing to the sequencing and assembly of the pathogen genome, and investigating the molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and the development of targeted control options including dsRNA/ RNAi technology. I also co-supervise Masters and PhD students enrolled at two New Zealand Universities, having previously co-supervised a number of PhD and Masters candidates to award of degree at Australian and New Zealand universities.