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Food Innovation

Dr Kevin Sutton

Science Group Leader

My interests are in targeted human health outcomes through the understanding of food chemistry (in particular, protein, polysaccharide and phytochemical chemistry) and its interaction with human metabolism and the human microbiome. This includes the development and application of analytical and instrumental methods for determining the composition and functionality of food ingredients and products; understanding the relationship between protein and polysaccharide structure and chemistry; and the control of the functionality of plant-based food products, and the development of bioproducts to attain the goal of 100% utilisation of NZ plant crops. I am a member of the Royal Society of New Zealand, a member of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry, a member of the Australian Grain Science Association, and a member of the NZ Wheat Growing, Flour Milling and Baking Research Liaison Committee. I have published 101 peer-reviewed papers, a key patent in the biomaterials space, and 118 conference papers and key industry reports.